5-Step Engagement Engine™
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Patient/Provider Engagement

Account Managers

Relevant Customer Messaging

Develop a Customer
Brand Plan
Can you help me launch a new product and/or boost my existing brand’s performance?
We’d love to!
Launch Excellence Action Plan (LEAP) model
Aventria’s Launch Excellence Action Plan (LEAP) model provides a proven and comprehensive process blueprint to align your organization and deliver launch excellence success with key tasks, action items, and timing beginning 24 months prior to the Prescription Drug User Fee Act date.

The marketplace is evolving at a rapid rate. Drug innovation and advancements in therapy are providing patients with new treatment options; however, challenges stem from the growth and impact on the cost of care.
As a result, payers are exercising increased scrutiny through utilization management, narrowing formularies, stricter prior authorizations, formulary exclusions, and requests for greater price concessions.
In addition, organized provider groups (health systems, IDNs, community practices) are exerting similar cost scrutiny characterized by greater reliance on evidence-based medicine and value-based care.
In this environment, a robust market access launch plan developed as early as possible (launch minus 24 months) is critical to prepare the market for appropriate formulary access, maximize brand sales trajectory, and contribute to the long-term financial success of the brand.
A well-defined market access launch plan personalized to brand access requirements that outlines key action items, timing, and ownership by function is a critical component to ensure achievement of launch objectives.
Aventria’s LEAP model enables you to establish interdependencies across stakeholder functions and ensure transparency and accountability to deliver launch excellence execution, as well as ensure a continuous improvement approach to successfully support future launches.
You may be thinking, “Sounds great, but have you had any success with your LEAP Model?“
Here’s a recent example of just one customer’s success, complete with metrics, so
you can judge for yourself.
PASS Model (Product Assessment Success Strategy)
Aventria’s PASS Model (Product Assessment Success Strategy) will help you develop a market access brand plan complete with a brand value proposition, positioning, and message architecture. We’ll also help you assemble an internal strategic team with core members carrying out tactical and operational responsibilities such as:
Promotional assets
Evidence generation
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) dossier
List price strategy
Contracting approach
Channel configuration
Reimbursement/patient support
Our proven process will help you:
Segment your target audience
Solidify your brand objectives
Identify then exceed your key performance indicators
Efficiently realize downstream cost savings
Determine the right products/solutions for the appropriate customers
Maximize success and minimize risk by implementing pilots that include early indicators of success prior to scaled rollout
The PASS Model process provides a clear road map (business plan) to optimize your budget with prioritized tactics and metrics to measure your success.
You will utilize 5 key components to get there:
Explorer Worksheet to identify goals
Customer Business Rationale to determine how your product
relieves customer pains and creates gains -
Customer Segmentation to ensure your brand is targeting the
customers who will find it most valuable -
Integration Worksheet to determine the minimum viable product (MVP) to offer
MVP Canvas to summarize the strategy, segmentation, and solutions so your
path forward is smooth

Aventria's Market Access Business Planning Workshop Series
For more information about this topic, see below: