Care gaps. Behavioral change. Suboptimal knowledge and care. Access challenges. Attention and time deficits. All contribute to not using best practices and not getting the best or acceptable results.
This is the focus of implementation science, and it’s how Aventria Health Group prepares its clients to help their large, organized customers. The field of implementation science seeks to close the gap between what we know and what we do (known as the “know-do gap”). How? By identifying and addressing the barriers that slow or stop the uptake of proven health interventions and guideline-based treatment regimens such as guideline adherence.*

Build it and they will come doesn’t work in our healthcare marketplace. It’s not enough to build great customer support tools; you need to deploy a plan to get them used in order to effect change. At Aventria, we look at three stages to drive success:
Preparing the Client Organization
Preparing the Marketplace
Preparing the Customer Installation
Our programs are currently growing the market by up to 23% in guideline-based care, with up to 98% of tier-1 health system customers using these solutions. Effecting change is achievable, but only with a learned, proven approach. You need to confidently approach customer support implementation at scale so you can help the most customers who, in turn, can help most practices and the patients they serve.
Adoption of best practices is vital to success, and you can confidently help to realize
it if you take the right approach.
To learn more about how we can help, please reach out to:

Dave Dierk, Co-President, 30-year sales and marketing thought leader in pharmaceutical diagnostics, biomedical, long-term care, managed care, employer, and pharmacy communications,
Making a difference in patient care by helping patients, providers, and payers collaborate on shared priorities
*Source: University of Washington. What is implementation science? Accessed September 2, 2021.