Pharmaceutical market access vice presidents, executive directors, and business planning leads:
As the calendar turns to the fall, most likely you’re finalizing your 2021 Brand/Market Access Business plans for senior management approvals of strategies, tactical support, and target budgets. Is senior management challenging your thinking with additional requests for novel execution approaches in the COVID-19 environment to ensure delivery of your brand’s 2021 financial targets?
Effect of COVID Won’t Be Over Soon—Need for Sound Commercial Strategies
As the footprint of the pandemic describes, payers and providers are challenged to address the gaps in care and resulting toll from the pandemic and how best to meet the needs of non-COVID members/patients. This necessitates new engagement models that include face-to-face, telehealth, education, and reimbursement support. Brand and Market Access teams will require sound commercial strategies with scenario planning aligned by geography to help customers successfully innovate and deliver quality patient care in the new engagement environment.
Delivering on Your Brand’s Financial Targets—Acting With a Sense of Urgency
Moving forward in the COVID-19 environment, building “winning” brand business plans with sound commercial strategies to successfully meet your brand’s financial targets will require novel execution approaches which include remote and virtual approaches to:
Differentiate and credibly engage target payer and organized provider decision makers
Help these stakeholders engage, support, and improve the quality of care for their members and patients
Grow your market share for priority franchises and brands
Aventria can help ensure your success to effectively execute in this new environment.
Presenting Aventria Health Group’s Market Access/Brand Business Planning Workshop Series

The proven and proprietary Aventria PASS Model® (Product Assessment Success Strategy) provides a strategic framework for a 3-part series of “live or virtual” workshops with your leadership teams to confidently develop robust brand/market access business plans with a focus on tactical execution to drive financial results.

“Allow[ing] the team to interact and share perspectives from individual functional areas. Aligned the team around the most critical considerations and emerging trends.” —Workshop participant
Workshop #1: “Where to Play” answers these questions:
What are the market access landscape dynamics and trends?
What are the landscape insights and implications to our brands?
What are the value-maximizing strategic options/opportunities to pursue?
Which ones have the greatest impact?
Are we equipped to effectively implement them?
Workshop #2: “How to Win” answers these questions:
What are our priority segments, customers, and stakeholders?
What are their market access value drivers?
Imperatives—What are the overarching results we want to accomplish?
Mandates—What action will we take to achieve the imperatives?
Strategies—How will we do it?
Workshop #3: “Market Access (MA) Quick Check” Webinars
These “MA Quick Checks” are an agile, fast way for your teams to ensure that market access insights are methodically collected and evaluated. These MA Quick Checks begin with a single trend that your leadership team sees emerging (such as COVID-19) in the marketplace and necessitates an aligned understanding and strategy.
This may be a perfect vehicle for Aventria to help you with a customized virtual workshop to address senior management’s 2021 Brand Planning challenge for novel execution in the COVID-19 environment to achieve financial targets.
To learn more about Aventria’s Market Access/Brand Business Planning PASS Model and how we can help you strengthen your market access business planning process, please reach out to:

Dave Dierk, Co-President, 30-year sales and marketing thought leader in pharmaceutical diagnostics, biomedical, long-term care, managed care, employer, and pharmacy communications, at 215-489-9000 x103 or

Paul G. Pochtar, RPh, 25+ years of experience in leading the successful commercialization of both primary care and specialty pharmaceuticals throughout their life cycle, including several landmark oncology products and other specialty therapeutics, at 215-489-9000 x118 or
Making a difference in patient care by helping patients, providers, and payers collaborate on shared priorities